The entire area was filled with small shops which had big bolts of fabric lying on the floor.
Some of the stores carry trims and notions while others carry fake fur. Most of the fabric I found here is not really great in quality, but patience is the key. I found a few shops selling silk dupioni at nearly half the price as compared to any other retail store. The shopkeepers let you bargain depending on the number of yards you are going to buy. Some of the shops had a lot of polyester, satin and lace for about $2 a yard. Most of the laces and trims were sold at about 50 cents to a dollar.
I landed up on a Sunday, and it seems like Sunday is not a good day to go as most of the shops were closed. And if you are going with kids, it’s is going to be very challenging because the place is very crowded and you have to walk a lot, also only one or two stores have bathrooms and they give you the key for a minimal charge.
Overall it was a fairly good experience. I bought a lot of silk, trims and satin. :)
You can check here for comprehensive information on the location and the layout of Garment/Fashion District, LA.
Caution: Leave your husband at home. ;)
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